
An Introduction into our Freshers Festival Season

Content Last Updated on February 17, 2023

Please scroll to the bottom for our video version of the article!

We are very excited here at Freshers Festival as it is less than a month until both our Glasgow and London Freshers events. With the Freshers period coming up, we thought we’d give you a brief summary of what brands can expect during this time, as well as some information about our events this year!

On the 18th of August, A-level students finally got their results and they have now found out if they got into the university of their choice. The number of international and national students applying to university in 2022 was at its all time high, with almost 3 million students applying with 667,000 applications made from international students (UCAS Chief Executive).This trend is likely to be exceeded each year for the foreseeable future, which is exciting for student-friendly brand like ourselves (UCAS).

Since announcing our Freshers events, we have had a lot of comments from our followers explaining how they were so excited for a ‘normal university’ experience as this will be the first time in roughly 3 years that students haven’t had to face any covid restrictions at university. As a result. there has been a huge interest in this years Freshers period for both new university students and students who have already been at university who never got to experience a ‘real’ fresher’s week. Due to all the hype, we are expecting this year’s event to be even bigger and better than ever before.

This year we are holding our annual Freshers Festival event in both London and Glasgow. Our Glasgow event will take place over a 2-day period on the 14th and 15th September at the Platform. We have been using the Platform as a venue for many years as it is such an incredible underground venue that really adds to the vibe of the event. At our previous Glasgow events we have seen a huge interest in both university and college students, meaning it is one of the best events to target a student audience 16+. As we have been running our Freshers event in Glasgow for so many years, it is one of the most epic events we run and is a highlight for us in our calendar, with thousands of students already signed up. As always, we have some amazing brands signed up that have come year after year as well as many new brands that we are excited to work with for the first time.

Our London Freshers event will take place on the 24th of September at the Business Design Centre in Angel. The Business Design Centre is a huge venue with so much space for some incredible activations to take place, so we are excited to see the event unfold. Not only is this one of our biggest venues we’ve ever had, but so-far we’ve received record sign-ups and interest, meaning this year’s London event is set to be our biggest ever!

At both of our events we still have space for brands to market to a student audience. Not only do we work with lots of global brands and organisations, but we also cater to more local companies and restaurants looking to reach students within the area. Please drop a message to a member of our team if you would like to attend either our Glasgow or London event, or if you would like to get involved with our digital marketing campaigns.

This is going to be one of the biggest freshers periods to date, with more students attending university and no more covid restrictions, and we cannot wait to see the events play out.




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